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I spent a long time choosing colors for this chapter but I like them now. I feel like I'm getting to a point in drawing this comic where I can very consistently draw the characters on-model, and they look good most of the time. I think drawing the same characters over and over is helpful for learning how to draw each one of them, but also the practice of doing that is even helpful for keeping characters who appear less often on-model.

Oh by the way if you didn't know it yet, the setting of this comic is an alternate version of history where the primary difference to the real world is that Carthage won the Punic Wars instead of Rome, and so Rome basically doesn't exist and Carthage is a major city instead of a destroyed pile. Carthage is the heart of the "Phoenician empire" in this world, which is mostly past its prime and coming to its end, while the Ottoman empire is reaching its peak and mostly replacing it in territory. The proliferation of organized pirate-fleets-for-hire across the coast of North Africa complicates the Mediterranean political scene and leads to the existence of people who call themselves Pirate Kings and Pirate Queens, who basically are the wealthy show-runners for empire-scale organized crime that is kind of indistinguishable from acts of war. Hope this clears things up.

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